Child of ‘Rich Parents’ Privilage

Privilege is defined as “a benefit that only one person or group of people have, generally because of their position or income,” or “an advantage that a person or group of people has, usually because of their position or wealth.” The word privilege has recently become a hot topic on Twitter’s timeline. Families in theContinueContinue reading “Child of ‘Rich Parents’ Privilage”

Don’t just Read and Hear But Understand It

source : Participate Learning Indonesian reading interest, according to UNESCO data, is still very low, at roughly 0.0001%. In other words, only one out of every 1,000 people like reading. When compared to Indonesia’s entire population, this is quite unpleasant. When it comes to reading, the purpose of reading itself is to get information. ButContinueContinue reading “Don’t just Read and Hear But Understand It”

Social Media and its ‘Cancel Culture’

source : hipwee Cancel culture exists and is growing along with the widespread use of social media. This culture “cancels” or boycotts someone from a public platform because of a mistake they’ve made. In general, cancel culture means to stop providing support for one’s actions or career. Scandals and controversial news threaten public individuals whoContinueContinue reading “Social Media and its ‘Cancel Culture’”

Productive or Toxic Productivity?

Toxic productivity is a condition in which we are obsessed to work or to completing a task. Especially in the midst of a pandemic. Many people strive to be productive, whether it is due to the expectations of their jobs or the needs of their surroundings. This frequently pushes a person to engage in certainContinueContinue reading “Productive or Toxic Productivity?”

What’s Wrong with My Body: ‘Body Shaming’ Do I Ever Experience It?

Picture source : iStock Recently, there has been a lot of discussion on Twitter about the unpleasant behavior experienced by the female weightlifter, Nurul Akmal. After competing in the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, instead of being praised, she received an unpleasant comment when she returned to Indonesia. The chronology is when Nurul took a bouquet ofContinueContinue reading “What’s Wrong with My Body: ‘Body Shaming’ Do I Ever Experience It?”

Mascot The 6th English Week

Hello, folks, we are coming back with breaking  news of our greatest event, The 6th English Week! Today, we are going to give you a closer look at our mascot! This year, we chose robot as the mascot because the robot is one of the symbols the advanced technology of human creation. Surely, we hopeContinueContinue reading “Mascot The 6th English Week”

Theme of The 6th English Week

Good evening guys! Today we are going to tell you about what is the meaning of our theme “Upgrade Your Core, Launch Your Talent More” in Bahasa. Makna dari tema #The6thEW adalah dengan mengikuti English Week tahun ini, diharapkan para peserta dapat meng-“upgrade” diri mereka dan dapat memunculkan talenta-talenta mereka lebih baik, khususnya di bidangContinueContinue reading “Theme of The 6th English Week”

Open Recruitment of English Students Association 2016/2017

Good morning everyone… How are you? We hope, all of you still be in a good condition today. Why? Because an urgent thing is going to be given for you.What is it???… This is it, from now until the date of 2nd January 2017, the form of ESA “Open Recruitment” can be downloaded. Let’s Let’sContinueContinue reading “Open Recruitment of English Students Association 2016/2017”