Child of ‘Rich Parents’ Privilage

Privilege is defined as “a benefit that only one person or group of people have, generally because of their position or income,” or “an advantage that a person or group of people has, usually because of their position or wealth.” The word privilege has recently become a hot topic on Twitter’s timeline.

Families in the upper middle class are often considered to have their own privileges, starting from the opportunity for a wider job network, guaranteed education costs (without the hassle of having to work part time), or easy access to information. In contrast to children who come from the middle or lower class.

Just like what happened to Putri Tanjung who is the daughter of the boss of CT Corp, Chairul Tanjung. Putri Tanjung, Maudy Ayunda and other successful young people out there who come from rich families, are considered to only take advantage of privilege without the need for hard work like ordinary people whose struggles are bloody to get to the caste.

Is it wrong if someone takes advantage of their privilege? I don’t think that’s wrong. Privilege is one of the pleasures of God. It depends on whether someone wants to take advantage of the privilege or not. Do they want to move or just sit still. But that doesn’t mean only the rich have the privilege. Privilege belongs to everyone. Indeed, the life of rich people who have the privilege looks fun, they don’t have to think about what food to eat tomorrow, how to pay the electricity bill. But keep in mind, that the greater the privilege, the greater the responsibility held.

Published by Administration

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