Productive or Toxic Productivity?

Toxic productivity is a condition in which we are obsessed to work or to completing a task. Especially in the midst of a pandemic. Many people strive to be productive, whether it is due to the expectations of their jobs or the needs of their surroundings.

This frequently pushes a person to engage in certain activities while ignoring health issues or taking time for theirs. Furthermore, if you frequently feel bad while you are alone and are never satisfied, you are most likely engaged in toxic productivity.

If you’re experiencing any of these signs, you’re already stuck in a toxic productivity cycle. There’s nothing wrong with being productive, but don’t overdo it or you’ll end up stuck in that state. If you’re tired, you should take a break!

So that you don’t get stuck in that ‘cycle’, there are several ways you can do to ‘beat’ toxic productivity. The first thing you should do is making realistic target. Make targets according to your abilities and don’t make other people a benchmark. Because everyone’s abilities are different. You have to remember that productivity is not a contest.

Next is mindfulness. Mindfulness is one way that we can connect with the present moment and accept what is happening. With mindfulness, then we can know the wants and needs that are good for ourselves.

Then you must avoid ‘Hustle Culture’. Hustle culture is an assumption that normalizes that the longer you work, the more successful you will be. However, this assumption can make you trapped in toxic productivity. Work effectively time, because remember your health is the most important.

Last but not least, don’t forget to self-care. Self-care is just as important as the tasks you do. You have to add self care to your to do list! That way, you can think more clearly and realize that you are not trapped from toxic productivity. Some for self-care, including walking in nature, watching your favorite movie and hanging out with friends, etc.

Those are some signs and tips for overcoming toxic productivity. So, don’t let your productivity be ‘toxic’ to your life, okay?

Published by Administration

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